Monday, August 24, 2015

Free Streaming Movies and TV

Free Streaming Movies TV
With the advent of the Internet, it has truly changed the world, making it a smaller, much smaller place.  It can appropriately be dubbed “The Internet Age,” as it truly has changed so much in such a short amount of time.  How has it done this?  By the globalizing the dissemination of information and making communication between everyone so cheap, virtually free in most instances.  Take for instance the simple phone app LINE or its Korean cousin KAKAO, both free.  Now instead of paying ridiculous long distance or international fees to talk with my relatives in another country, I just hop on the phone APP, and talk to them directly, using voice over IP technology.  Sweet!  No more ridiculous telephone bills!  I can talk to them at any time during the day or night, doesn’t matter whether its “peak” or “non-peak” hours, just another excuse for phone companies to hike fees.  It’s amazing, just another way that the internet has not just allowed me to save on international communication, but for me to enjoy this once unaffordable luxury.  Now I can literally talk to hours on end with my international clients, and not worry about if I’m going to get slammed with a crazy phone bill on my next cycle.  How else you may ask has the internet saved me money or provided me luxuries that I couldn’t afford before? 

Free Streaming TV - Streaming Movies Internet TV

Well, entertainment, for one.  Cable channels charge hundreds upon hundreds of dollars monthly for access to premium channels that include live sporting events (this would include the World Cup, the Olympics, etc.), premium TV shows, cooking shows, travel shows, you name it.  And this doesn’t include the Pay-Per-View Events that can cost upwards of $80-100 for a one time event!  The internet provides all of this, all the TV shows that I could dream of watching, all the cable TV online, all the streaming movies, all the free TV shows, free movies online without downloading, all my internet TV, all for free.  Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy locating all these sites.  If I wanted to watch a Jamaican news channel feed that is only available in Jamaica, it would take a bit of time for me to find it (and it does exist), so searching high and low for all these channels can be a laborious task, but there’s a solution.  You see, someone smart (and someone who probably was equally fed up with ridiculous cable fees) came up with the internet TV box, a device that looks very much like your everyday modem or router, but functions in a way where it organizes all the hundreds upon hundreds of channels, whether it be movie channels, news, sports, cooking, food, building, racing, travel, etc., and organizes it for you.  This way, I don’t have to look all over the internet for the things that I want to watch.  Just one simple box that allows me the convenience, the luxury, of having access to virtually every channel under the sun.  For free.  I don’t have to pay the cable company hundreds of dollars a month, just buy this box for a one-time fee, then all you pay for is your internet fee, that’s it.  The Internet Age, good or bad, it’s changed the world and it’s here to stay, might as well take advantage of what it has to offer while you can.

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